Com exception for Word

Reg fix for Com exception in word

open reg edit and paste: Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\TypeLib\{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} 


into the upper address bar and hit enter.

if there are multiple 8.XX folders then verify which is the valid folder and delete the invalid folder.

if there is only 1 8.XX then go into it and check the '0' folder.

There should be a Win32 and a Win64.


Verify the file path in those folders. delete the WinXX folder that has the invalid file path.



If there are no duplicate entries and a repair does not work. You will need to install the other version of word.

IE: if 32 bit word is currently installed and not working, install 64 bit word.


After you install the other version of word, this sometimes fixes the registry if you want to try to go back to the old version. This step is not necessary if the narratives are working.