Synchronize patient questionnaires and online forms

How to run a synchronization in the DentalWriter software, an important step to push changes made through customization to your online patient questionnaire links

Should any customizations take place in office with the DentalWriter Software that, reference any DentalWriter list items, Customization, Additions, Removal, or edited questions presented to patient is advised that a DentalWriter Online Sync be performed to “Mirror” what is seen in the office to what the patient see’s while completing the online questionnaire. This is not required for any customization performed in the exam portion of questionnaire as is not seen by patient.

To immediately allow those changes to be seen by patients completing online questionnaires to the following:

From the menu bar of any workstation running DentalWriter, hover your mouse over the Globe Icon, DW Online Download Manager and click to open. Select the Synchronize tab, then select the Synchronize button.

Once the Synchronization is initiated, it will make 2 passes during this process. One to begin Sync to the DentalWriter Server where the database is contained in the cloud and when complete synchronization completes its first pass, the second pass will begin synchronizing your DentalWriter database server in your office. Once complete, close this module.
