Uninstall Office from a PC (OfficeScrub)

Removing Office 365 from a workstation


    Provided is a recommended solution to completely removing Microsoft Office, Office 365 form a machine that is experiencing arrant behavior either within itself or with other support applications that use.

    Office 2019 Office 2016 Office for business Office 365 Admin Office 365 for home Office 365 Small Business Office 365 Small Business Admin.

    **Please note: The following steps will not resolve or fix those machines where above version of office was installed under the profile for a user under a (Microsoft Account) and registered, then a new profile created under a registered domain account. I.E. User@microsoft.com then User@CompanyName.com . The Office 365 application would then be tied to the first profile on that machine and would need to be addressed. ** This can be easily identified by checking the Users directory for the same name.

    The steps and files here work in those environments whereby Anti-virus will prevent launch of .VBS file types. And to always attempt full repair of office before attempting these steps.

    1. Copy file (OffScrubC2R.Zip) to a Temporary directory on local machine.
    2. Right-Click, Extract All to that same directory.
    3. 4 files will be extracted and will be required to be renamed. Insure to enable file name extensions to view.
      1. OffScrub.vbs.txt to OffScrub.vbs
      2. OffScrub_015vbs.txt to OffScrub_015.vbs
      3. OffScrub2016vbs.txt to OffScrub2016.vbs
      4. OffScrubC2Rvbs.txt to OffScrubC2R.vbs
    4. Once renamed, Single-click each file independently. (Until each one completes till moving to the next)
    5. Reboot machine.
    6. Download and re-install Office 365 back onto machine.
    7. Login with Office 365 user profile and confirm successful launch.

    Alternatively the Microsoft™ link can be used here: Uninstall Office from a PC